vertebrata 🔟 Vertebrate The Definitive Guide Biology Dictionary
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vertebrata - Vertebrate The Definitive Guide Biology Dictionary
vertebrata - VERTEBRATE中文简体翻译剑桥词典 Cambridge Dictionary Vertebrate Definition Characteristics mimpi mancing dalam togel Examples Vertebrate Wikipedia Vertebrate The Definitive Guide Biology Dictionary Vertebrates comprise all species of animals within the subphylum Vertebrata chordates with backbones including all mammals birds reptiles amphibians and fish Vertebrates represent the overwhelming majority of the phylum Chordata with currently about 69963 species described VERTEBRATA中文简体翻译剑桥词典 Cambridge Dictionary 脊椎动物 英語 vertebrate是 脊索动物门 脊椎亚门 学名 Vertebrata下属所有 物种 的统称是脊索动物门 物种 数量最多的一个 冠群 亚门也是 后口动物总门 最大最成功的一个 演化支在所有 動物界 生物 中 物种多样性 仅次于 节肢动物 和 软体动物 与節肢動物長在 体表 的 外骨骼 和軟體動物依赖 体腔 内压的 静水骨骼 不同脊椎动物拥有以取代了 脊索 的 脊椎 为核心由 矿化 组织 硬骨 或 软骨和 致密结缔组织 韧带组成的 内骨骼 负责支持 身体结构并将负责调控接收各 体节 周边神经 的 脊髓 保护在由 椎骨 排列形成的椎管里面同时依赖附着在 中轴骨骼 和 附肢骨骼 外表的 骨骼肌 来驱动 关节 活动产生运动保障 行动性 Vertebrates Vertebrata the Animal Encyclopedia ThoughtCo noun U biology specialized uk ˌvɜːtɪˈbrɑːtə us ˌvɝːtəˈbreɪtə Add to word list the group of animals that have a spine a column of bones in the back 脊椎动物类 vertebrata在剑桥英语中文简体词典的翻译 Cambridge University Press C1 vertebrata 的翻译 中文繁体 脊椎動物類 查看更多内容 葡萄牙语 Vertebrata 查看更多内容 需要一个翻译器吗 获得快速免费的翻译 翻译器工具 vertebrata的发音是什么 Vertebrate any animal of the subphylum Vertebrata They have backbones and are also characterized by a muscular system consisting primarily of bilaterally paired masses and a central coin33 46 nervous system partly enclosed within the backbone Its members include fishes amphibians reptiles birds and mammals Any vertebrate classified under subphylum Vertebrata is an animal with a backbone This group consists of several broad classes fish amphibians birds reptiles and mammals The word vertebrate refers to the bony vertebral column Vertebrata Animalia an animal that has a spine 脊椎动物 Birds fish and reptiles are all vertebrates 鸟类鱼类和爬行动物都是脊椎动物 比较 invertebrate specialized vertebrate在剑桥英语中文简体词典的翻译 Cambridge University Press vertebrate的 例句 The first sequence produces the id and coincides with the evolution of the vertebrates 来自 Cambridge English Corpus 脊椎动物 维基百科自由的百科全书 Vertebrates Vertebrata are a group of chordates that includes birds mammals fishes lampreys amphibians and reptiles Vertebrates have a vertebral column in which the notochord is replaced by multiple vertebrae that form a backbone The vertebrae surround and protect a nerve cord and provide the animal with structural support 脊椎动物亚门Vertebrata是动物界中结构最复杂进化地位最高的类群 形态结构彼此悬殊生活方式千差万别 该亚门包括 圆口纲 软骨鱼纲 硬骨鱼纲 两栖纲 爬行纲 鸟纲 和 哺乳纲 各纲的特征虽然有显著差别但组成躯体的器官系统 脊椎动物亚门 百度百科 Vertebrates ˈvɜːrtəbrɪts ˌbreɪts 3 are deuterostomal animals with bony or cartilaginous axial endoskeleton known as the vertebral column spine or backbone around and along the spinal cord including all fish amphibians cara ganti paket indihome lewat aplikasi myindihome reptiles birds and mammals
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